September 19, 2024
Hiring a Van Nuys Criminal Attorney to Solve Your Legal Problems Now
Going back in history to the medieval times where those with the best strategies and armor usually win in the end, the same applies to hiring a criminal defense attorney, accountant, landscaper or anyone else you need in your life where you know they’ve been
For over 20 years our team of Van Nuys criminal attorneys has represented clients in a wide variety of cases ranging from simple DUIs/misdemeanors to murder trials and defending other serious charges that have been highly publicized, and because of that we thought it would
September 1, 2024
Van Nuys Car Rental Company/Owners Facing Federal Criminal Charges
After defending thousands of criminal cases in the San Fernando Valley over the past 20 years, including many in the Van Nuys criminal courthouse, it is always interesting to see cases like this that stem from different areas then tie back to Van Nuys (or
March 22, 2024
Getting a DUI in Van Nuys, California: The Next Steps?
According to various studies there are consistently over 100,000 misdemeanor DUI charges in California each year with Driving Under the Influence being one of the most common offenses, especially in areas with high concentrations of bars, nightclubs and other venues. And if you or someone
Domestic violence is a serious issue whether you’re in Van Nuys, California or anywhere else in the world, though many times domestic abuse/violence cases are complicated and once police are involved it’s in your best interest to hire an attorney that will fight for your
After defending hundreds of sex crime cases/trials over the past 30+ years it’s always interesting when celebrities run into issues then watching how everything plays out. In this particular situation, though we didn’t represent Diddy, it’s still educational to reflect on the situation along with
As leading criminal defense attorneys in California we keep a close eye on all cases, especially those that hit home, and after defending cases in the Van Nuys criminal court for over 30 years we thought it would be helpful to touch on this case
As criminal defense attorneys that handle cases throughout California ranging from simple drug possession to complex murder trials, it’s interesting to see the recent spike in drug charges in the San Fernando Valley. But why is this happening? Looking at our caseload over the past
Going into the new year with laws changing, priorities shifting and other outside elements that impact the charges people are receiving, we thought it would be helpful to highlight some of the trends we’ve seen in 2023 along with what we anticipate in 2024. First
November 20, 2023
Van Nuys DUI Charges: Why Are They So Common?
Van Nuys is situated near the 405 and 101 Freeways in Los Angeles, which is one of the busiest interchanges in the U.S. and known for having some of the worst traffic. At the same time, it makes sense to see how DUI charges are