According to various studies there are consistently over 100,000 misdemeanor DUI charges in California each year with Driving Under the Influence being one of the most common offenses, especially in areas with high concentrations of bars, nightclubs and other venues. And if you or someone you love has gotten a DUI in Van Nuys what’s next?
What happens if you get a DUI in Van Nuys?
Depending on the circumstances which vary across all cases, you’ll be booked in the Van Nuys Jail and released the next day on bond (if you’re able to pay) though that depends on your record and a wide variety of other factors that are unique to each particular individual/case.
How long do you stay in jail for a DUI?
This is a question we commonly get which directly relates to the above question and our feedback. Someone with no criminal record that made a mistake, got a DUI and will never do that again will get results that are different when compared to a repeat DUI offender where a pattern has already been established. That’s not to say there isn’t a case to be built/defended across all scenarios, just pointing out the facts.
How much is the fine for a DUI in California?
Again, building on what we outlined above, the fine for a DUI depends on a wide variety of factors and you’ll only know the true costs once you go through the entire process and see where you land in the end. And that’s where having the best defense criminal defense attorney on your team will help in many ways.
Additionally, when it comes to DUI cases at the Van Nuys Courthouse in particular, there are a few things you should know beforehand and plan for. In particular, being sure you arrive on time and know exactly where to park so you’re not stressed, and luckily there are various public parking structures nearby as well as metered parking. Though no need to worry, we’ll guide you through everything.
The point is, whether you’re facing DUI charges in Van Nuys or the many other criminal courthouses we appear in regularly (Burbank, Downtown Los Angeles, San Fernando, etc.) we offer free consultations and are only a call away: (818) 888-2711