Over 90 years of combined criminal defense experience in the Van Nuys and San Fernando courts
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Robbery is an extremely serious crime that is charged when someone uses force and/or fear to take another person’s property. “Force” is usually an assault or battery, and “fear” typically means threatening words or statements. For example, “give me your property or I will hurt you!”
Robbery is a “strike” under California’s Three Strikes Law, and someone convicted of robbery is typically facing a substantial state prison sentence. While someone charged with robbery can get probation, prosecutors typically seek prison sentences. Because robbery is considered a “violent felony,” anyone in prison for robbery will serve 85% of their sentence.
There may be very strong defenses in robbery cases. For example, if a person uses “force” or “fear” against another but does not decide to steal property until after the force or fear is used, that is not a robbery. The decision to steal must be made before or at the time the force or fear is used.
In other cases, a “robbery” charge may be reduced to a “theft.” For example, if the force or fear is minimal or the defendant has little to no criminal history, the prosecutor may be swayed to reduce the robbery charge to a theft, which carries far less severe punishments.
At Schwartz & Weinrieb, we regularly defend individuals charged with robbery, carjacking and all other violent theft offenses. If the prosecution’s evidence does not support a robbery charge we will fight vigorously to get the charges dismissed. If the prosecution has a strong case with damaging evidence, we will work to reduce any and all potential consequences to our client.
Whether you are looking for a Burbank Criminal Lawyer, Glendale Criminal Attorney, San Fernando Criminal Lawyer, Van Nuys Criminal Attorney or an attorney in other parts of Los Angeles, Schwartz & Weinrieb is ready to aggressively defend against your criminal charges.
If you or a loved one has been charged with a criminal offense, contact a criminal defense attorney from Schwartz & Weinrieb today at (818) 888-2711.
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