If you have been charged with a DUI we are here to help and offer free consultations
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If found driving with a measured Blood Alcohol Concentration (“BAC”) of .08% or more you will likely be charged with DUI. If a DUI involves injury or a person has prior DUI convictions, it may be charged as a felony.
A DUI charge is very disturbing for most people because they did not feel intoxicated or impaired at the time of their DUI arrest. They are often shocked and upset after reading a police officer’s report stating they had poor balance and coordination, slurred speech, difficulty counting and watery or bloodshot eyes.
DUI is an area of criminal law that requires highly specified expertise regarding DUI laws and how to challenge DUI charges. DUI cases often contain many holes to challenge a DUI charge, from simple mistakes on a police report, false police assertions that an arrestee failed his field sobriety tests, to complex scientific analysis of chemical tests to prove that a person was not intoxicated or impaired at the time of driving.
Experienced San Fernando & Van Nuys DUI Defense Lawyers
The legal team at the Law Offices of Schwartz & Weinrieb aggressively defends clients facing all misdemeanor and felony DUI charges, and will strategize a vigorous defense from the moment of your DUI arrest until the completion of the case.
If you or a loved one has been charged with Driving Under the Influence, contact a Van Nuys DUI criminal attorney from Schwartz & Weinrieb today at (818) 888-2711.
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