From simple criminal charges like DUI and theft to complex felonies that go to trial we are here to help you.

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How Do I Get a Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Van Nuys, California?

How Do I Get a Domestic Violence Case Dismissed in Van Nuys, California?

Domestic violence cases are always difficult because they create wedges that drive families apart, and as criminal attorneys that specialize in defending domestic violences charges in Van Nuys and California as a whole, our main priority is to mitigate the issues to ideally keep families together. However, sometimes that goal is unachievable.

Hiring a Van Nuys Criminal Attorney to Solve Your Legal Problems Now

Hiring a Van Nuys Criminal Attorney to Solve Your Legal Problems Now

Going back in history to the medieval times where those with the best strategies and armor usually win in the end, the same applies to hiring a criminal defense attorney, accountant, landscaper or anyone else you need in your life where you know they’ve been through...